Prerequisites for Transfer order in AX 2012 R3

Following setups need to be completed before creating a Transfer order
1. Create a Transit warehouse. 
Path: Inventory and warehouse management parameter--> Inventory breakdown --> Warehouses

Steps to create Transit warehouse:
  • Click on New.
  • Enter the Warehouse and Name.
  • Enter the Site.
  • Select the Type as "Transit".
  • Complete the other setups (Master planning, Address, Location setup etc.) as per the requirement.

2. Assign the Transit warehouse to Default warehouse (Originating warehouse).

3. Number sequence setups for transfer order.
   Path: Inventory and warehouse management parameter --> Number sequence --> Transfer number/Transfer order voucher. 

a.        Transfer number:
·   Tagged with the number sequence in this field.
· In case of “Continuous” number sequence,it assigns the unique reference number automatically to the new transfer order.
·  Based on the format specified in the number sequence setup, we get the number in the particular format for the transfer order.      .

b.       Transfer order voucher:
·     Tagged with the number sequence in this field.
·    It assigns the unique number to the voucher which is generated when posting the transfer order shipment and receive.
·     Number sequence needs to be in “Continuous” state in order to use in the voucher.

      Transfer order voucher keeps track of financial posting of the transfer order.

(Refer link for: Number sequence setup)

4. Select the appropriate "Picking route status" as per the requirement.
Path: Inventory and warehouse management parameter --> Transport --> picking route status.

It can be:
A. CompletedIf the Picking route status is "Completed" then after posting the picking list,the handling status in picking list registration goes to Completed automatically. 
This is useful when picking process is handled by only one person.

B.  ActivatedIf the Picking route status is "Activated" then picking process needs to be manually activated and completed (Picking list registration --> Updates --> Update all/Update selected.
Update all: In order to complete all the picking at once and updating the same in the system.
Update selected: For completing the selected picking out of total and updating the same in the system.
5. Reserve item automatically:

 Path: Inventory and warehouse management parameter --> Transport --> Reserve item automatically
·  It is a default setting for the transfer order and can be overridden in the transfer order.
·   It reserves the item automatically for transfer in the originating warehouse.
·   If this parameter is ticked in inventory and warehouse management parameter then you will get the same tick in transfer order for the same parameter.

6. Accept over delivery/ Accept under delivery:

  Path: Inventory and warehouse management parameter --> Transport --> Accept overdelivery/ Accept underdelivery
·   It is a default setting for the transfer order.
·  It allows to deliver the item more than or less than what is require in total (Transfer quantity).
·  It requires specifying the percentage of over delivery or under delivery in the transfer order.

7. Setup delivery date control to get the Ship and Receipt date. 
Path: Account receivable parameter --> Shipment --> Select the appropriate delivery date control and setup the other parameters such as Sales lead time, ATP time fence etc

After completing the above setups, we can create a transfer order in AX 2012.

Please post if any queries and suggestions to be made...

Abhijeet Hele |  Dynamics AX Enthusiast | My Profile 
The information provided on this site represents my own opinion/view and does not represent the opinion/view of my employer or Microsoft.


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